Our Pastors

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Pastor dwight & Cathy Bailey…

For Pastor Dwight & Cathy, the big thing is growing people in their relationship with God. Pastor Dwight grew up at F.C.A. as a child and assumed the pastorate in 1996. The Bailey's enjoy seeing people grow into the people God has created them to be.

Pastor Dwight Bailey

Dwight Bailey is the son of two of those individuals from what has been called the “Greatest Generation.” After WWII and service to the military Dwight’s Father Howard Bailey and wife Thelma Bailey, began a Construction and Land Development Company to help with the raising of their Five children. With limited education Howard managed to build over 200 residential houses, numerous business buildings, arranged to bring the first Physicians and Pharmacy to a small Eastern Kentucky town called, Flatwoods.

Always being raised to know hard work and in a Spiritual Church, Dwight was a leader in High School, being Captain of both the football and basketball teams, and class President 3 years. Business and Accounting was his major in College, at Marshall University. He studied law and graduated from Northern Kentucky University. After starting like his Father in Residential Construction, he worked during college for a CPA firm and after law school a local law firm. After two years he opened his own office in Flatwoods Bailey Law Firm, psc, and began his career in the practice of law. Working at times with partners in a firm and as a solo practitioner, he now has gained 35 years of experiences representing all types of causes for his clients. Some of those clients were injured needing help, while others started businesses of their own.

Dwight’s Pastor and best friend was called to serve another Church in a bigger City. This move required him to leave the Flatwoods Church. At this time Dwight received the call for his family church and began to Pastor. In his calling the Lord seemed to say “Don’t say you can’t do more.” In answering this call, despite many other business endeavors, He served as pastor of his Church in Flatwoods for over 20 years. This allowed him special insight to the joys and sufferings of many lives, by offering prayers, counseling, and even rejoicing with those attending his church. Dwight and wife Cathy have gained a unique perspective and outlook on family, business, and the Spiritual aspects of life. These experiences allow him to relay what he has learned for the benefit of the congregation.

Cathy Bailey has grown as a Spiritual leader in the Church giving and sharing as only a Mother figure can do for the Church congregation. The members hold her dear as she shares the sometimes “tough love” insights God brings to her. Many who embrace these words have grown and been blessed greatly by her ministry. Cathy is committed to serving the Lord however he leads and looks forward to the bright future of the FCA congregation.