1.  FCA April 5, 2020 Communion Sunday – from Passover to Communion                        https://youtu.be/p2U1za656VA

2.  FCA May 3, 2020 Excitement of Travel – Preparing for God’s Future           https://youtu.be/CKXHt1hX21M

3. FCA Service March 8, 2020 Time to Shine – Circumstances show It’s time to shine  https://youtu.be/j0blfFleJbA

4. FCA Service March 28, 2021 Yes Lord! - Passing the test   https://youtu.be/kQeMMtM2A2w

5. FCA Pastor’s Podcast June 9, 2021 Assessing Your Risk of Fire - Faith will light the match! https://youtu.be/_3DVJCEYG6U

6. FCA Service March 28, 2021 Yes Lord! - Passing the test https://youtu.be/kQeMMtM2A2w

7. FCA December 15, 2021 God is no Respecter of Persons https://youtu.be/4XLfdBxKhXg

8. FCA December 1, 2021 The Greatest Gift is Love https://youtu.be/ARTem5VV0XY

9. FCA November Day by Day - God’s Got This! https://youtu.be/Qa4bVWhMAD4

10. FCA December 22, 2021 Pursuing your Purpose! Get in the battle. https://youtu.be/n12U6-7mOJY